New Year Fund

Support the fight for socialism!

Since his return to the White House, Donald Trump and his administration of billionaires have been working non-stop to eradicate democratic rights and transform the United States into a police state.

Trump’s promise to rule as a “dictator on day one” is already becoming reality. Columbia University student Mahmoud Khalil, a legal permanent resident, has been disappeared for protesting the genocide in Gaza. Trump has threatened that Khalil is only the “first of many” targets. No one is safe.

This crackdown on democratic rights is part of a broader assault on the jobs, living standards and social rights of workers. Trump, alongside Elon Musk, is purging hundreds of thousands of federal employees, targeting essential social programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and moving to obliterate public education.

At the same time, Trump makes no secret of his ruthless imperialist agenda, proclaiming his intention to grab the Panama Canal, seize Greenland and annex Canada.

The Democratic Party is not opposing but collaborating with these policies. It is subservient to the same oligarchs and devoted to the defense of capitalism.

The only genuine opposition will come from the independent mobilization of the working class, united internationally in defense of democratic rights and socialism.

In this struggle the World Socialist Web Site is an essential weapon. Your financial support is vital to ensure that the WSWS can continue its uncompromising reporting, in-depth analysis, and the organization of opposition. Make the largest possible contribution today, and consider becoming a monthly supporter.

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Books by David North

You can order copies of David North’s books today through Mehring Books.

The Logic of Zionism: From Nationalist Myth to the Gaza Genocide

Second Edition

Leon Trotsky and the Struggle for Socialism in the Twenty-First Century

The Heritage We Defend

A Contribution to the History of the Fourth International

The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

The Frankfurt School, Postmodernism and the Politics of the Pseudo-Left

A Marxist Critique


Readers explain why they donate

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The WSWS record on the COVID-19 pandemic

“I read and support the World Socialist Web Site daily because it is the only principled socialist publication that provides a scientific analysis, assessment and plan on what must be done to end the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. As a registered nurse I rely on good science to protect myself, my patients, and family members from infectious diseases - something the CDC can no longer provide.”
Liz CabreraSouthern California

The perspective of the WSWS is unequalled

“Humanity is headed for the brink and only the working class can divert the train to a safe track. The question of socialism or barbarism comes down to leadership and the perspective of the WSWS is unequalled. ‘A revolution will sweep the Earth clean of the oligarchs, speculators and tyrants.’”

A voice that refuses to compromise in the fight for socialism

“I donate to the WSWS because of the hard work of the writers who challenge capitalism & produce in depth analyses of the issues facing workers today. Supporting them is supporting a voice that refuses to compromise in the fight for socialism.”

News for those who want to change the world

“​​The WSWS is news for those who want to change the world. I've read the WSWS for 25 years because its writers patiently explain current events, informed by deep historical knowledge and appreciation for art and science, from the perspective of the international working class. If you have to work to survive, the WSWS is your people telling your story.”

Workers need to understand their history

“In my mind, the writers of the WSWS are legends. They aren’t afraid to ‘get their hands dirty’ and talk to workers and learn about their situation. At the same time, workers need to understand their history and lessons from the past, which the WSWS also provides, as does reading Marx and Trotsky.”
Auto parts workerPottstown, Pennsylvania

The only source of Marxism and objective clarification of the crisis facing capitalism

“I read and support for informed analyses and reviews covering all aspects of society, political, science and arts. Indeed it is the only source of Marxism and objective clarification of the crisis facing capitalism. The SEP is the only party capable of leading the immense power of the international working class to abolish capitalism and war and clear the way for socialism. David North’s recent speech in Australia is an inspiration for workers and youth to advance with confidence to build the revolutionary party!”
Marian G.UK

The WSWS represents workers

“I support the WSWS because it represents and keeps workers, especially autoworkers, informed of what's going on and of what the manufacturers do not want workers to know about. The WSWS exposes the companies and corporate media and puts them on the spot. The information put out by the WSWS on the COVID-19 pandemic is a prime example of this.”
AutoworkerUnited States

An organization dedicated to the working class

“As a performing musician I was actively involved in representing my orchestra colleagues in contract negotiations. After 42 years on the job this is no longer the case. I now rely on a fixed retirement income which is under constant attack by government officials eager to please the corporate elite at the expense of the working class. Finding an organization that is dedicated to helping the working class is absolutely necessary, and THAT is why I support the World Socialist Web Site.”
Greg NearRetired Musician

A program to build the leadership of the working class

“The WSWS provides genuine journalism, including about the class struggle and experiences of the working class. On top of that, there is political, economic and philosophical theory, education and history. Then, there is guidance, strategy and a program to build the leadership of the working class to win the battle for socialism. It’s an honor to help with donations.”
SBWashington, DC

Vital for raising consciousness

“I donate to the WSWS because the website provides important political analysis of world events on a daily basis. This analysis is vital for raising the political consciousness of the working class and organizing it for the struggle against capitalism.”

A year of major political initiatives

The WSWS is not just a news website; it is a vital tool in the struggle for a socialist future. As the publication of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), the world Trotskyist movement, the WSWS provides a revolutionary socialist perspective on world events, analyzing all the crucial issues of our time.

Over the past year, we have carried out numerous critical initiatives, including election campaigns in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sri Lanka, as well as events and rallies internationally, including a powerful demonstration in Washington, D.C. on July 24, opposing the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

We have advanced a socialist strategy to stop the genocide in Gaza and the war in Ukraine, oppose the threat of fascism and attacks on democratic rights, end the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, and address the central issues confronting the international working class. Your donation will help us to deepen this struggle and reach a wider audience among workers and youth globally.

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A snapshot of the ICFI’s work in 2024

Joseph Kishore at the July 24 anti-genocide rally in Washington D.C.
David North speaking on the island of Prinkipo, Turkey
Jerry White with striking Eaton workers in Michigan
Johannes Stern at the June 1 Berlin SGP rally against the Gaza genocide
David North speaking in Frankfurt, Germany
International pickets calling for the freedom of Bogdan Syrotiuk

Why become a monthly donor?

Support the fight for a socialist future: By donating to the WSWS, you are advancing the struggle for a future free from war, poverty, disease, exploitation and suffering. We have no corporate sponsors and no paywall, and rely entirely upon the support of readers like you.

Donate today
  • Empower the working class: Your contribution helps the WSWS provide workers with the information and analysis they need to organize and fight for their social rights.
  • Expand socialist journalism: In order to broaden our unique socialist coverage of world events and the class struggle, we must expand our staff of writers.
  • Combat capitalist propaganda and historical falsification: Your donation helps us counter the lies and misinformation spread by the corporate media and their pseudo-left allies.
  • Develop socialist consciousness: The WSWS is the central tool to educate and imbue the international working class with socialist consciousness. Our reach must be broadened as widely as possible.
To donate by mail or contact the WSWS
Please send your check or money order to the address closest to you:
United States
Checks can be made payable to WSWS.
Socialist Equality Party,
PO Box 48377, Oak Park, MI 48237
Tel: ‪(313) 457-9431
Socialist Equality Party/ Parti de l’egalite socialiste,
PO Box 183, Station B Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3B 3J7
Socialist Equality Party,
Box 106, 88 Queen Street, Sheffield S1 2FW
Tel: 0845 3697 470
Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei
See here for information on how to donate to the SGP.
Socialist Equality Party,
PO Box 75, Kingsgrove NSW 1480
Tel. 61 2 8218 3222

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