
Public meetings in UK and Germany

SEP candidate Jerry White to speak on crisis of US and world capitalism

The presidential candidate of the Socialist Equality Party in the United States, Jerry White, will speak at a series of meetings next month in Britain and Germany.
The 2008 elections are taking place amidst the greatest crisis of capitalism since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Everywhere there is talk of an imminent world recession, as stock markets around the world plunge to record lows and banks are nationalised with billions of taxpayers’ money handed over to the city speculators.

All the previous efforts to portray this crisis as a failure of the “Anglo-Saxon model” of capitalism stand exposed. This is a systemic failure of capitalism itself. It must bring with it massive job losses, cuts in essential services, home repossessions and other efforts to make workers pay for a crisis not of their making. More dangerous still, it will spur on the drive towards militarism and wars of colonial conquest as the ruling elite seeks to seize hold of the world’s major oil and gas resources.
White will present a Marxist analysis of these developments and will answer the essential questions raised, including:

* What are the implications of this crisis for working people?
* What is the alternative?

The SEP is calling for mass opposition to the attacks waged by big business and its governments based on a programme of socialist policies to protect working people and their families. WSWS readers in Europe are urged to attend the upcoming public meetings to discuss these vital issues.

Sunday, October 12, 1 p.m.
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square

Monday, October 13, 7 p.m.
The Common Room
St Peter’s House
University of Manchester

Precinct Centre
Oxford Road, M13 9GH
Tuesday, October 14, 7 p.m.
University of Glasgow
Room 407, Boyd Orr Building
University Avenue, G12 8QQ

October 16 in Berlin and October 17 in Frankfurt
Meeting details to be confirmed