
Socialist Equality Party public meeting

Stop the shutdown of Detroit!

A socialist response to the economic crisis


The Socialist Equality Party has called a meeting for this Thursday evening, May 28, to address the crisis facing the city of Detroit, including proposals put forward by the school board that would mean the virtual destruction of public education in the city.

This attack on the public schools comes as auto workers and retirees face an unprecedented attack on their wages and benefits under plans proposed by the Obama administration. At the same time, foreclosures and job cuts continue to mount across the Detroit Metro area.

We urge all Detroit-area residents—youth, workers, parents, teachers, the unemployed—to attend this vital meeting. The main speaker at the meeting—D’Artagnan Collier, SEP candidate for Detroit mayor—will advance a socialist perspective to meet this crisis, and the broadest discussion of these issues will be encouraged.

Meeting Details:

Stop the shutdown of Detroit! A socialist response to the economic crisis

Thursday, May 28, 6 p.m.
First Unitarian-Universalist Church of Detroit
4605 Cass St
Detroit, MI 48201
Main speaker: D’Artagnan Collier, SEP candidate for mayor of Detroit