
SEP launches web site for Berlin campaign

With the launch of its campaign web site on Thursday, the German Socialist Equality Party (Partei fur Soziale Gleichheit, PSG) has commenced its campaign on the Internet for the Berlin state election in September. The site allows readers of the WSWS around the world to support the PSG. The main page is linked to accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube, permitting all supporters to join our campaign.

The PSG is taking part in the state election on the basis of an international program. The party conceives of its campaign as part of a European mobilisation against the dictatorship of the banks and is aimed at building the ICFI as a socialist party to provide revolutionary leadership and perspective for workers in the struggles emerging throughout Europe.

The online campaign has special significance and allows the PSG to extend its campaign well beyond the streets of Berlin. The web site allows those interested to learn more about the program and positions of the PSG, subscribe to our newsletter, find out about the most important events, and participate actively in the campaign.

In the next few weeks we will be posting dozens of analyses on the site, including statements by candidates, reports, pictures and video. Supporters of our campaign can already contribute to the campaign in the following ways:

1. Online campaign

With its open and democratic structures, the Internet provides an appropriate platform for a broad political discussion. Online you can support our work by distributing our political content in the form of articles, videos, and our election statement as broadly as possible. Begin discussions about this content in the social networks, chat rooms and forums where you are already active. Send friends, colleagues and friends the link to our site. Encourage them to register. Join our Facebook group.

2. Meetings and events

If you have the opportunity yourself, or if you have friends or contacts in Germany, encourage them to come to our election meetings and rallies. Please contact us if you are able to assist in the translation of our German material into other languages.

3. Donate

The election campaign and the building of the PSG require funds. Consider making a donation. Organise collections amongst your friends and colleagues. It is easy to donate by cell phone: Send a SMS with the text “PSG” to 81190. This costs €5 plus your provider’s usual fee. The PSG receives €4.83 from this total. Establish contact with the PSG and the international sections of the ICFI.

Visit the new campaign web site here.