Adopting the policies proposed in the White Paper, designed to arm Europe for war with Russia, would require devastating attacks on social spending and democratic rights in Europe.
Whatever the outcome, the talks will not resolve the deep economic and social crisis hitting the French Pacific colony, in particular impoverished working class and youth.
Major European powers held an emergency summit yesterday in Paris after US officials threatened to cut Europe out of Trump’s planned talks with Russia over Ukraine.
Prime Minister François Bayrou’s ramming through of a deep austerity budget with support of the social-democratic PS and the neo-fascists exposes the bankruptcy of Mélenchon’s NFP.
The new administration’s first visit to Ankara comes amid an intensifying struggle for the partition of Syria between the states behind the overthrow of the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad by jihadists led by the al-Qaeda-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).
The exhibition spotlights a contradictory modern art movement that, though it celebrated technological advances, was rooted in subjectivism and irrationality.
The sentencing of the former head of state on charges of corrupting the judiciary exposes the degeneracy of the French Fifth Republic and the bankruptcy of the capitalist regime.
It is necessary to focus this opposition on the working class and to arm it with an international socialist perspective, independent of the imperialist powers of NATO as well as the capitalist regimes in Ukraine and Russia.
The Parti de l’égalité socialiste condemns the the fascist threats against Mélenchon, which also target millions of workers and youth who voted for him, hoping for a more left-wing policy.
Health workers fear a fifth of the population may be dead, but the French president arrogantly told angry crowds that if France did not rule Mayotte, it would be “10,000 times” worse.
The horrific damage caused by Cyclone Chido is due to decades of official neglect of infrastructure and the overt, fascistic contempt of the French government for its overseas territory.
The installation of François Bayrou as prime minister with the support of the NFP hands the mantle of official parliamentary opposition to Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally.
Only a day after the NFP joined the neo-fascist National Rally in censuring the government Macron had formed, several of its parties began discussing how to serve under Macron.
If it is far-right forces that are being strengthened by Barnier’s fall despite mass social anger against Macron, this is due to the bankruptcy of the NFP, which works to paralyze the workers.
A movement must be prepared and built in the working class to bring down Macron and halt his widely despised policies of austerity and imperialist war.
Unless workers are mobilized independently in struggle, a censure of Barnier will only intensify behind-the-scenes maneuvers in ruling circles on how to replace him while continuing his policies.
Chad, a former African colony of France, has for decades been central to its military operations in Africa, but it is developing closer ties to Russia amid the NATO war with Russia in Ukraine.
The struggle against Macron cannot be left to parliamentary maneuvers by the neo-fascist Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whose New Popular Front enabled the forming of the government.
A bitter debate is now unfolding inside the ruling class over how to recalibrate its policies that will confront it, sooner rather than later, with explosive working class opposition.