R. Ranges

SGP chairman on the German elections

“How the fight against fascism and war must be waged”

In the following video, the chairman of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party, SGP), Christoph Vandreier, talks about the result of the 2025 federal election and explains “how the fight against fascism and war must be waged.”

Christoph Vandreier

The Brutalist: A Holocaust survivor reclaims his life

There are striking images and certain convincing performances, but on the whole the filmmakers seem very much out of their depth. The work is starved of genuine historical and social insight.

David Walsh

Two far-right conferences in Europe capitalise on Trump presidency

These parties have reacted with glee to Donald Trump’s election as US president, recognising that they now have an extremely powerful ally across the Atlantic with whom they can press a reactionary agenda already substantially adopted by European governments.

Thomas Scripps

Right-wing violence in Germany highest since Nazi rule

Constant incitement against refugees and migrants, far-right conspiracy theories about “left-wing elites” or the denial of pandemics—in Germany, all of this has been rendered socially acceptable in recent years, promoted by media and government representatives.

Martin Nowak

In federal election, Germany’s four main parties all incite anti-refugee hatred and call for greater military spending and war

The entire campaign for this month’s federal election is a repulsive spectacle. All the parties in the Bundestag (parliament) and their candidates to be the next chancellor are competing with each other in inciting anti-refugee hatred, calling for more German and European rearmament spending and currying favour with the fascist Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Johannes Stern

“A vote for the SGP is a vote against war and capitalist barbarism!”

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei holds final election rally in Berlin

The SGP is running in the early federal elections on February 23 to oppose the all-party coalition for war and social cuts, and to build an international movement against war and capitalism.

Florian Hasek, Carola Kleinert