The alliance of Israel’s political elite with the world’s most reactionary forces demonstrates that Zionism is no less a bitter enemy of Jewish workers and youth than it is of the Palestinians.
Coalition negotiations between the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats to form a new federal government began Thursday. The earlier exploratory talks already left no doubt that this will be the most right-wing German government since the fall of the Third Reich.
Young workers and students who want to fight against fascism, militarism and social cuts need a clear understanding of the Left Party, which plays a key role in implementing social cuts and the deportation of refugees, and also fundamentally agrees with government policy on the question of war.
Even though the far-right Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) will not be part of the administration, the new government programme clearly bears its hallmark.
In the following video, the chairman of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party, SGP), Christoph Vandreier, talks about the result of the 2025 federal election and explains “how the fight against fascism and war must be waged.”
There are striking images and certain convincing performances, but on the whole the filmmakers seem very much out of their depth. The work is starved of genuine historical and social insight.
We workers must take up the principle that "an injury to one is an injury to all," regardless of race, nationality, citizenship or legal status. We will fight to defend our immigrant neighbors and the rights of the working class.
•A Texas worker
The 75th Berlin International Film Festival—Part 2
The result of Germany’s federal election on February 23 is the product of a deep political and social crisis that will lead to explosive class conflicts.
Germany’s 2025 Federal Election has exacerbated the political crisis in Germany and Europe. The result confronts workers and young people who want to fight against fascism, militarism and social cuts with fundamental political questions and tasks.
These parties have reacted with glee to Donald Trump’s election as US president, recognising that they now have an extremely powerful ally across the Atlantic with whom they can press a reactionary agenda already substantially adopted by European governments.
For the first time since the fall of the Third Reich 80 years ago, there is a real possibility that a party with direct ideological continuity with the Nazis will enter government.
In the past few days, tens of thousands in over 100 cities have protested and paid tribute to the nine young people with a migrant background, who were shot dead by the German racist Tobias Rathjen five years ago, on 19 February 2020.
Constant incitement against refugees and migrants, far-right conspiracy theories about “left-wing elites” or the denial of pandemics—in Germany, all of this has been rendered socially acceptable in recent years, promoted by media and government representatives.
Regardless of which parties form a government or whether there will be new elections, social cuts, anti-refugee agitation and increasing rearmament spending will be at the centre of the next government’s agenda.
The entire campaign for this month’s federal election is a repulsive spectacle. All the parties in the Bundestag (parliament) and their candidates to be the next chancellor are competing with each other in inciting anti-refugee hatred, calling for more German and European rearmament spending and currying favour with the fascist Alternative for Germany (AfD).
•Johannes Stern
“A vote for the SGP is a vote against war and capitalist barbarism!”
The SGP is running in the early federal elections on February 23 to oppose the all-party coalition for war and social cuts, and to build an international movement against war and capitalism.