This is the 1992 edition of Fourth International, at that time the annual theoretical journal produced by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI).
The first major section of the volume is devoted to the documents of the World Conference of Workers against Imperialist War and Colonialism which was held by the International Committee in Berlin on November 16-17, 1991. The conference provided an assessment of the political situation in the aftermath of the war in Iraq, as well as the crisis in the Soviet Union, where the Stalinist bureaucracy was carrying out the dissolution of the gains of the 1917 October Revolution and restore capitalism.
The conference also drew a political balance sheet of the protracted struggle waged by the Trotskyist movement against the Soviet bureaucracy and against the apologists for Stalinism in the Pabloite opportunist international led by Ernest Mandel.

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Purchase from Mehring Books- Editorial
- Yugoslavia: Its Meaning for World Labor
- A Historic Victory for the Fourth International and the Working Class
- Resolution One: Build the Fourth International as the World Party of Socialist Revolution
- Discussion on Resolution 1
- Resolution 2: The Struggle against Imperialist War and Colonialism
- Discussion on Resolution Two at Berlin conference
- Resolution Three: On the Defense of the Working Class in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
- Discussion on Resolution Three at Berlin conference
- Resolution Four: For the International Defense of Class War Prisoners
- Discussion on Resolution 4
- Resolution Five: Youth and the Struggle for Socialism
- Resolution Six: Open the Archives of the KGB!
- Resolution Seven: Support the Miners of Vorkuta
- Resolution 8: In Honor of Comrade Bill Brust
- Resolution Nine: In Honor of the Memory of Comrade Keerthi Balasuriya and Comrades Piyadasa, Gunapala, Pitawela and Geekiyanage
- Resolution Ten: In Honor of Comrade Tom Henehan
- After the Demise of the USSR: The Struggle for Marxism and the Tasks of the Fourth International
- Letter to Russian Minister of Justice Nikolai Fedorov
- The Lessons of the August Putsch and the Tasks before the Soviet Working Class
- Trotskyism Vindicated: The Collapse of Stalinism and the Tasks of the Fourth International
- After the August Putsch: Soviet Union at the Crossroads
- Trotsky’s Analysis of the Soviet Union Has Been Vindicated by History
- The End of the USSR
- Spartacist League Member Reported Murdered in Moscow
- The Murder of Martha Phillips
- Subjectivism and Spartacist
- Imperialists on a Collision Course
- The European Community Summit at Maastricht: A Step towards War
- Election Manifesto of the International Communist Party: A Socialist Strategy for a Workers Government
- After the British Elections: The Way Forward
- The Meaning of the Regional Elections in France
- State Elections in Germany: A Warning for the Working Class
- Repression in East Timor
- India After the Breakup of the Soviet Union
- Indian Stalinism in Crisis
- 10 Years since the PATCO Strike: Lessons of a Decade of Betrayals
- One Year after the Gulf Crisis
- Workers League 1992 Election Platform: A Socialist Program for the Working Class
- From PATCO to Caterpillar: Labor at the Crossroads
- Betrayal at Caterpillar
- The Fraud of Imperialist “Democracy
- Build a Haitian Section of the Fourth International!
- Repression in Haiti
- Behind the February Agreement in Haiti
- Bill Brust (1919-1991): Fighter for Trotskyism
- On the 25th Anniversary of the Workers League
- Founding Conference of the Canadian International Workers Party
- The Defense of Roger Cawthra
- Cawthra Speaks to Australian Workers on Video
- Statement by Sri Lankan Trotskyists on the Cawthra Case
- International Action against US Labor Frame-Ups
- International Pickets Oppose Frame-Up of Roger Cawthra
- Colombo Picket Attacked
- In Defense of the Indian Trotskyists
- On the Victimization of Hanne Levien
- Mandel and the NSSP: A Sinister Political Maneuver in Sri Lanka
- Opportunism and the British Elections
- The Fraud of the Mark Curtis Campaign
- 50 Years since the Smith Act Indictments
- When Roosevelt Put Socialism on Trial
- Theodore Dreiser: A Great American Novelist