The struggle of health care workers
Build rank-and-file committees throughout the healthcare industry!

The World Socialist Web Site is assisting healthcare workers in the building of a network of interconnected rank-and-file committees.

Fill out this form to be contacted about joining the committee nearest you. If a committee at your workplace does not exist, we will help you build one.

Join the fight to end the subordination of healthcare to private profit!

Sign up for the WSWS Healthcare Workers Newsletter!

The WSWS Healthcare Workers Newsletter fights to unite all healthcare workers with the entire working class to maintain safe working conditions, oppose hospital closures and layoffs, and defend the right to high quality health care.

BMA sells out junior doctors’ pay fight in partnership with Labour government

The train drivers’ two-year strike and the junior doctors’ action in England were the two remaining national disputes from the 2022-3 strike wave of rail, postal and telecom workers, NHS staff, teachers and lecturers that was demobilised by the union bureaucracy based on sellout agreements.

Tony Robson

Australia: Vote “no” to union-Labor sellout of Victorian nurses

Under the proposed agreement, base pay rates in most classifications will remain lower in real terms than they were in 2019, until at least October 2027. Moreover, the deal will do nothing to address the deepening crisis in the state’s public health system.

Martin Scott
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