Australian government urges universities to comply with Trump regime’s research funding demands
With $600 million in research projects axed or threatened, Education Minister Jason Clare said the US could fund “whatever research it wants to fund.”
With $600 million in research projects axed or threatened, Education Minister Jason Clare said the US could fund “whatever research it wants to fund.”
Thousands of California educators and support staff are expected to lose their jobs before the start of the 2025-2026 academic year more than 2,300 school employees received pink slips last week.
In falsifying history, the oligarchs in charge are attempting to erase any critical thoughts youth may have about American policy in the present, especially the massive growth in economic inequality, the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the ever-present threat of war against China, Iran and Russia.
Trump claims he is speaking for millions of parents supposedly clamoring for education to be “run by the states.” The reality is he represents a filthy rich oligarchy that wants to privatize schools and transfer billions from public coffers to Wall Street.
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We are building a network of rank-and-file educators, students, parents, and workers to stop the spread of COVID-19 and save lives.
Our wage dispute has taken on a new significance in recent weeks. In the face of rapid political changes, the wage struggle is developing into a power struggle.
The following statement was written by a founding member of the Costco Workers Rank-and-File Committee (CWRFC) to be read at Sunday’s public meeting called by the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees, “Mobilize the working class to save the US Postal Service and other federal programs!”
The CFPE calls on teachers and school workers to join our ranks to fight for decent conditions and wages for all educators, and a public education system that provides the highest quality schooling for all students.
Attendees at meeting called by the US Postal Workers Rank-and-File committee passed a resolution calling on workers to make preparations for “mass resistance, up to and including strike action.”
All over the world the trade unions, including those which were founded through bitter struggles led by socialist-minded workers, now play the leading role in enforcing the dictates of management.
In this lecture, delivered in Sydney, Australia in January, 1998, WSWS international editorial board chairman David North explains this profound transformation through an historical examination of the trade unions themselves.
The Soviet literacy campaign remains the largest and most successful in world history. It serves as an enduring demonstration of the extraordinary possibilities for reorganizing society in the interests of the working class on a planned, socialist basis.
This two-part article is a critique of the Democratic Socialists of America’s narrative of the teachers strike wave in 2018-19. It reviews the role of the teachers unions from West Virginia to Arizona, exposing the claims of “victory” by the unions and the DSA. It also assesses the DSA’s opportunistic “dirty break” with the Democratic Party and their role in collaborating with the unions to divert teachers by pressuring the powers-that-be.
This article reviews the significance of the Janus vs. AFSCME Supreme Court case. As an AFSCME’s lawyer warned the ruling elites during oral arguments, the collection of “agency fees” is routinely traded for a no-strike clause in union contracts. He warned, “Should those clauses disappear, employers will have chaos and discord on their hands.”
In line with the identity politics promoted by the Democratic Party and the pseudo-left, “abolitionist teaching” foments divisions among teachers and students based on race.
The origin of the term ethnomathematics is attributed to Brazilian postmodernist Ubiratan D’Ambrosio (1932-). It emphasizes “power relationships” and cultural relativism, downplaying “objective knowledge.”
After Trump provocatively called educators “loser teachers preaching socialism,” the AFT made no comment. Far from defending teachers against red-baiting, union president Randi Weingarten (annual salary above $500,000) agrees that “socialist” teachers have no business in the classroom. This report looks at some of the long and ugly history of the union’s anticommunism.