35,000 jobs threatened at Volkswagen
Works meeting at VW in Wolfsburg: “This is death in instalments”
no production location, no job and no wage will be safe after the destruction of 35,000 jobs and the reduction of real wages by up to 20 percent.
We are assisting autoworkers in building a network of rank-and-file committees, connected with educators, Amazon workers, and workers in other key sections of industry. Contact us today to discuss joining or forming a committee.
News, analysis, and a fighting perspective for autoworkers, delivered to your inbox.
no production location, no job and no wage will be safe after the destruction of 35,000 jobs and the reduction of real wages by up to 20 percent.
IG Metall union and works council have been leading VW workers up the garden path. The “Future Contract” secures nothing, other than an endless slide downwards.
The UAW has thrown its backing behind a security crackdown at Ford factories, including bag searches and the stationing of plainclothes officers, amid a mounting social and political crisis in the US
The UAW reported Saturday that the 400 workers at the Daimler Truck Detroit Axle plant had voted to ratify a new agreement while releasing scant details of the contract.
Rank-and-file autoworkers in Chicago are appealing for the broadest mobilization of support and solidarity for the strike at the Dakkota parts plant.
The bureaucracy, acting on behalf of both Dakkota and Ford, is no doubt extremely nervous that matters are coming to a head and that they are losing control with the development of the Dakkota workers rank-and-file rebellion.
To prevent a betrayal of the struggle by the UAW, it is urgently necessary for rank-and-file Dakkota workers to take control of the situation and enforce their will.
The rebellion by Dakkota workers against the sellout deal is a major rebuke to the UAW bureaucracy, further exposing the fraudulent claims of UAW President Shawn to be leading a struggle for workers’ interests.
There are growing calls at Ford Chicago for a ban on the use of scab parts, which the UAW apparatus has refused to implement.
The Dakkota walkout is an indication of the ongoing dissatisfaction and growing militancy among auto parts workers, which the UAW apparatus has thus far hoped to contain with a handful of limited, ineffective strikes.
The courageous rebellion by Dakkota workers urgently requires action be taken in their support by autoworkers and rank-and-file UAW members everywhere.
Autoworkers must make this the start of a broad fightback, counterposing workers’ right to employment and a decent standard of living against management’s so-called “right” to profit.
The cuts at the Detroit-area plant, set to take place on October 8, are a battle in a world war on jobs, pitting a working class united by global production against the giant transnational corporations.
Ferdinando Uliano, chairman of the Christian Metalworkers’ Union, said that Stellantis wants to eliminate at least 12,000 jobs in its Italian plants, threatening an additional 12,000 to 13,000 jobs at parts suppliers.
Since the formation of Stellantis three years ago, 23,000 of the company’s 281,000 workers worldwide have already been cut.
The IG Metall union has no thought of mobilising its 1.5 million members in the factories and plants to oppose the impending jobs massacre. Everywhere the union and its works council representatives work to implement the cuts and closures.
The transition from combustion engines to electric cars is being used by corporations and investors worldwide to cut jobs, reduce production costs and increase profits.
What is being prepared is not a contract, it is a death warrant for hundreds of thousands of auto jobs in North America and millions around the world.
The WSWS Autoworker Newsletter is assisting autoworkers in the building of a network of interconnected rank-and-file committees, connected with educators, Amazon workers, and workers in other key sections of industry.
Fill out this form to be contacted by someone from the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter and the Socialist Equality Party about joining the committee nearest you. If a committee at your workplace does not exist, we will help you build one.
A private Facebook group for workers to share information and develop a strategy to fight.
On Monday, federal judge David Lawson of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan ordered the UAW to produce records and documents the union had been withholding in an effort to block an investigation into ongoing corruption within the UAW bureaucracy presently led by UAW President Shawn Fain.
“You need organizations which you control, to transfer power from corrupt officials in bed with management to the 33,000 IAM members at Boeing, as well as the company’s global workforce.”
All workers must stand shoulder to shoulder with dockworkers and launch a joint struggle that unites all sections of the working class.
Conditions are ripe for CAMI workers to spearhead a counteroffensive to secure decent-paying, permanent jobs for all autoworkers. Their contract is expiring under conditions of a major upsurge of the class struggle across North America.
The unions are seeking to divide North American auto workers, facilitating moves by the companies to offset the impact of any strike action.
The AFL-CIO and US government imposed a so-called “independent” union at the GM Silao factory that has acted no differently from the corrupt charro unions, according to six workers used in the process and then “thrown into the trash.”
Deeply stirred by the accident, active and former workers of the Silao plant reached out to the World Socialist Web Site to register their anger, describe safety concerns and condemn the new and so-called Independent Union (SINTTIA) for its bankrupt response.
A year after wildcat strikes involving 70,000 workers, the maquiladora workers in Matamoros are leading the fight against the dangers workers face from Covid-19.
The claim that the victory of SINTTIA in the vote by Silao workers represents at step forward is belied by the support it received from the corrupt, pro-management US union bureaucracy and the Biden administration.
During the first weeks of 2019, tens of thousands of striking workers brought to a halt virtually all the maquiladora manufacturing plants in the industrial Mexican city of Matamoros, just across the US border with Brownsville, Texas.
In a remarkable display of class unity and power, workers defied threats of retribution and violence from companies, union thugs, police and the military, and shut down a significant section of the closely-interconnected supply chain in North America.
Key to organizing their struggles across different companies and sectors was the formation of rank-and-file strike committees. Daily reports by the World Socialist Web Site played an important role in guiding the struggle and winning broader support.
In 2012, a management-provoked incident at the Maruti Suzuki Manesar auto factory outside of Delhi, India, was used as the pretext for the mass prosecution and frame-up of autoworkers, with 13 sentenced to life.