Today–October 1, 2021–parents, teachers and workers in countries around the world are supporting the call from UK parent Lisa Diaz for a one day school strike to fight against the deadly reopening of schools as the COVID-19 pandemic rages.
Join the global online picket line by sending your message of solidarity on Twitter using hashtag #SchoolStrike2021 and tag the World Socialist Web Site (@WSWS_Updates). We'll collect the best statements here.
Follow Lisa Diaz on Twitter: @SandyBoots2020
WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North: 'We must build on today’s achievement, and increase our efforts to mobilize the working class on a global scale in action.'

Latest from Lisa: “We might be from different corners of the world, but our struggles are the same.”

Veteran Trotskyist Barbara Slaughter: 'Lisa speaks on behalf of millions of working-class families all over the world.'

Bill, an autoworker from Pennsylvania, US: 'It's easy for me to decide which side I'm on, and it's yours. Shut it down.'

Erika from Australia: 'The October 1 strike must be the start of a fightback against the squandering of lives in pursuit of corporate profits.'

James Crump, a mental health worker in Bradford, UK: 'The parents strike could become a rallying point for workers' opposition.'

David, an autoworker in Indiana: 'We need to shut it down, and I stand behind you 100 percent'

Teacher in the UK: 'We need to make schools safe now'

IYSSE at UC Berkeley supports call for strike

WSWS writer Norisa Diaz voices support for school strike and eradication of COVID-19

Canadian educator Laurent Lafrance speaks in support of school strike

German Kindergarten teacher Martin supports school strike
Student in North Carolina, US: “Rally all those affected by the pandemic to fight back.“

Berlin bus driver: “This is the beginning of a global resistance against the pandemic and against the governments who fight for the profits of the rich.“
Detroit teacher: “Schools are no longer schools. They have become a cesspool of deadly infection. This has to end.“

Mother of three in Chicago: “We can't pretend away a virus that killed two mothers at a local school last week.“

Mahesh, teacher in Sri Lanka: “The whole working class of the world, we must stand with the UK parents strike.”

A UK parent taking part in the school strike explains why

Bus driver David O’Sullivan, sacked for warning coworkers of danger of COVID, supports the school strike

London Bus driver O’Sullivan was targeted for warning his colleagues about the spread of COVID-19 and for demanding urgent safety measures to protect lives. The death rate among London bus drivers is three times the national average, with the families of those killed demanding answers. Read more about the campaign to demand O’Sullivan’s reinstatement here.
Statement of support from Ron, an operating engineer in Kansas City, Missouri
“I applaud your idea and determination for the safety of children. I work in a small shop where almost everyone to a person has lost a family member or a close acquaintance. Maybe if someone had taken your stance here in America that would not be the case. Best of luck to you and those who decide to stand with you.”
French mother Raphaele Lapotre: “Instead of protecting children, governments are letting the virus explode”

Colombo, Sri Lankan teacher Prageeth Aravinda supports UK school strike

UK health worker: “I cannot agree more with this action”

German student Joshua Seubert: “No to the infection of children and adolescents!”
Sydney teacher Kaye: This strike is a courageous and important step

SEP (Australia) National Secretary Cheryl Crisp: Today's strike is the beginning of the stand by the international working class

Extended interview with Lisa Diaz: “It's not that I wanted to lead a worldwide strike. We have no choice. It's life and death.”
US parent and educator A.H. : “The government knows and ignores the science. We cannot wait for them to do the right thing.”

Los Angeles nurse Elizabeth: “We must fight on, and end this pandemic!”

Tom Peters of the Socialist Equality Group in New Zealand calls for global support for October 1 strike

UK Socialist Equality Party supporter Jude: “Break with those who oppose you and build this wonderful international movement.”

Texas teacher Michael: “We can't keep deferring to the political establishment and the union bureaucracies.”

UK parent: “I didn't choose for my sons to be infected.”

California parent Susanna: “The state and administration's behavior is criminal negligence at least and intentional homicide at worst.”
Lisa's initial call for a school strike
